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Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2016Assessment of damage caused by land disturbance and pollutionИтикеев Ильсур Иждавлетович; Itikeev Ilsur
2016Geoecological assessment of the recreational areas of the southern districts of St. PetersburgСоколов Богдан Васильевич; Sokolov Bogdan
2017Assessment of ecogeological condition of the town and spa-resort of Staraya RussaКириченко Яна Андреевна; Kirichenko Iana
2017Ecological and geological assessment of the state of the natural environment in the area of Lake Dgo (the National Park Smolensk Lakeland)Зернов Олег Игоревич; Zernov Oleg
2017Ecological and geological assessment of status of Kotlin IslandБайтелова Виктория Вадимовна; Baitelova Viktoriia
2017Ecological and geochemical zoning of St Petersburg and the Leningrad RegionИонкина Дарья Сергеевна; Ionkina Daria
2018Assessment of chemical composition of macrophytes in the impact area of copper-zink deposit (South Urals)Куку Аурика Федоровна; Kuku Aurika
2018Ecological risk of heavy metals in permafrost-affected soils and lichens, Yamal PeninsulaЦзи Сяовэнь; Ji Xiaowen
reviewSV_gorodilova_YU_A__sogl.jpg.jpg2017The evaluation of critical loads of heavy metals within the confunes of urban areas and methods of rehabilitationГородилова Юлия Анатольевна; Gorodilova Iuliia