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Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2017Identification of human gender and age based on portrait photograph using neural networkСимонов Андрей Олегович; Simonov Andrey
2020Dog breed recognition using convolutional neural networksДусмухамбетов Айдар Александрович; Dusmuhambetov Ajdar Aleksandrovic
2021Machine learning algorithms for 3D object reconstruction problemГладышев Тимофей Юрьевич; Gladysev Timofej Urevic
2024Development of neural network methods for segmentation of diseases of cultivated plants by multispectral images in precision agricultureНикитин Александр Викторович; Nikitin Aleksandr Viktorovic