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Результаты 371-377 из 377.
Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2024Designing the study guide "Interpersonal communication: social-constructionist analysis" by Nadezhda KazarinovaБабаева Екатерина; Babaeva Ekaterina
2024Graphic support for the author's blog on clothing customisationБориско Илья; Borisko Ila
2024The 4th Forum of Young Writers of Russia and China. Graphic supportВан Давэй; Van Davej
2024Design and graphic support for the "JAGGER DANCER fest" festivalШарафутдинов Тимур Ильнурович; Sarafutdinov Timur Ilnurovic
2024Design and graphic concept for the folding screenРодыгина Ольга; Rodygina Olga
2024Developing a web application to analyse the placement of equipment on a film setАнкудинов Константин Владиславович; Ankudinov Konstantin Vladislavovic
2024Graphics support for the exhibition "Day of Light" at St.Petersburg UniversityШах Артур Сергеевич; Sah Artur Sergeevic