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Результаты 331-340 из 377.
Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2024Design and graphic support for the anniversary of the Marine Biological Station of St.Petersburg University on the White SeaТянь Ли; Tan Li
2024Restoration of the book Chinese Manuscripts from Dunhuang. Moscow, 1963Ай Жотун; Aj Zotun
2024Performance of a vocal concert programСу Хуэйюй; Su Huejuj
2024Cross Cultural Years of Russia and China 2024-2025. Graphics supportЯн Минлян; An Minlan
2024Restoration of the book The Great Learning and The Doctrine of the Mean with explanation of the main meaning in modern Chinese. Shanghai, 1910Фань Сивэнь; Fan Siven
2024Brand identity and packaging for a board game based on Chinese and Russian proverbs and sayingsЧэн Цяньмо; Cen Canmo
2024Restoration of a wall painting fragment of a small a pendentive from the Bishop's Metochion in the Church of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, St.PetersburgРябова Милана Константиновна; Rabova Milana Konstantinovna
2024Performance of a vocal concert programБалабанова Лиана Руслановна; Balabanova Liana Ruslanovna
2024Design and graphic support for the Russian-Chinese language campЛи Цзинцзин; Li Czinczin
2024Design and graphic support for the Swap PartyШифанова Полина Евгеньевна; Sifanova Polina Evgenevna