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Результаты 291-300 из 377.
Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2023Editorial design for a publication on the theory of early photography: a case study of Ekaterina Vasilyeva monograph "The city and the shadow"Филиппова Мария Константиновна; Filippova Maria Konstantinovna
2023Restoration of the plaster sculpture of Alexander Radishchev from The State Museum of Urban SculptureБелинская Анастасия Павловна; Belinskaa Anastasia Pavlovna
2023Developing a cross-genre browser gameСтаркова Маргарита Алексеевна; Starkova Margarita Alekseevna
2023Performance of a vocal concert programИзак Алиса Дмитриевна; Izak Alisa Dmitrievna
2023Developing a visual concept for the forum of creative practices "New materiality"Хаматьянова Саида Рашитовна; Hamatanova Saida Rasitovna
2023Decorative textile panel in mixed techniquesСтанкова Валерия Денисовна; Stankova Valeria Denisovna
2023Performance of a vocal concert programЧжан Хенбин; Czan Henbin
2023Restoration of five half-leather bindings of 19th century books from the collection of the Dmitri Mendeleev Museum of St.Petersburg UniversityИсиляев Игорь Владимирович; Isilaev Igor Vladimirovic
2023Developing custom design graphics for the Mariinsky TheatreМихайлова Кристина; Mihajlova Kristina
2023Multimedia technology for creating a popular science film on ecologyМурашева Мария Дмитриевна; Muraseva Maria Dmitrievna