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Результаты 1-10 из 33.
Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2017Integrated graphics support for the State Budgetary Non-Standard Educational Institution "Academy of Talents"Краузе Надежда Олеговна; Krauze Nadezhda
Bezymyannyj-16.jpg.jpg2017Integrated graphics support for an eventПопова Валентина Ивановна; Popova Valentina
2017"Culture and Art in a Classical University": Graphics support for a projectПавлова Олеся Игоревна; Pavlova Olesya
2017The role of a scientific and technical journal in the modern societyАль-Кхафаджи Худа Абдулелах Мохаммед; Al-Khafaji Huda Abdulelah Mohammed
2017Development of thinking in school-aged children by a cybernetic construction set: Integrated graphics support for "Trik" cybernetic construction set and softwareЧерновская Яна Александровна; Chernovskaia Iana
2018Navigation design for an ecological pathКомлева Валерия; Komleva Valeriya
2019Integrated graphics support for the "Graphic Design" academic programme of St Petersburg University at international eventsДрунченко Лариса Вадимовна; Druncenko Larisa Vadimovna
2019Integrated design and graphic support for the International Neighbours FestivalСтепаненко Анастасия Игоревна; Stepanenko Anastasia Igorevna
2019Designing graphics support for educational activities of the Academic Gymnasium named after D.K. Faddeev of St Petersburg UniversityРазумова Анна Кирилловна; Razumova Anna Kirillovna
2019Designing information materials for training volunteers working with people with disabilitiesРумянцева Валерия Алексеевна; Rumanceva Valeria Alekseevna