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Результаты 1-10 из 36.
Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2023Foreign direct investment in China during Xi Jinping's eraМиронова Ульяна Леонидовна; Mironova Ulana Leonidovna
2023Intercultural communication as a way to develop tourism in St PetersburgСавицкая Алёна Игоревна; Savickaa Alena Igorevna
2023Interaction between central and regional authorities in the PRC: The case of the Sichuan Province and the city of Chongqing in 1990-2020sСунгуров Артур Темирланович; Sungurov Artur Temirlanovic
2023China's Economic Diplomacy as a Source of Tension in Contemporary US-China RelationsНазаров Александр Евгеньевич; Nazarov Aleksandr Evgenevic
2023Transformation of youth employment in Russia and China: a sociological analysisСунь Лу; Sun Lu
2023The Role and Prospects of Confucius Institutes in the Framework of Belt and Road InitiativeЦюй Чан; Cuj Can
2023Digitalization of the economy as a factor of China’s socio-economic developmentХаппаева Алина Алимовна; Happaeva Alina Alimovna
2023Problems of digitalisation of the educational process at universityХэ Цзыцзин; He Czyczin
2023The image of the overseas Chinese in American and Chinese cinema: A comparative analysisКалашник Елизавета Евгеньевна; Kalasnik Elizaveta Evgenevna
2023Implementation of International Legal Instruments on the Protection of Trademarks in the People's Republic of China and the Russian FederationЛи Шаньлинь; Li Sanlin