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Результаты 1-10 из 22.
Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2021Chinese tourists' interests in RussiaХуа Ли; Hua Li
2021The role of humanitarian cooperation in contemporary Sino-Indian relationsЧурбакова Алина Олеговна; Curbakova Alina Olegovna
2021The impact of the "One Belt, One Road" policy on Russia and ChinaАжуна -; Azuna
2021The influence of soft power politics on shaping the international image of the People’s Republic of China at the beginning of the 21st centuryМао Жуньдун; Mao Zundun
2021International legal regulation of natural gas supplies from the Russian Federation to the People's Republic of ChinaДин И; Din I
2021Religious traditions of China. Ways to improveЧжан Хао; Czan Hao
2021Socio-economic features of urbanization in Russia and ChinaХуан Вэньхуэй; Huan Venhuej
2021Relationship of the Market Value and Characteristics of Innovative Companies: Empirical StudyГрадыская Полина Всеволодовна; Gradyskaa Polina Vsevolodovna
2021The problems and prospects for Chinese investment projects in tropical AfricaЕрёменко Денис; Eremenko Denis
2021Space exploration as part of a state’s image-making policyСафарова Регина Равильевна; Safarova Regina Ravilevna