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2023Cultural tourism as a tool for maintaining strong cooperation between Russia and East Asian countriesЛебедева Алёна Витальевна; Lebedeva Alena Vitalevna
2023A geomarketing study of localisation of new retail outlets operating in different sectors in St Petersburg using geographic information systemsТетерин Алексей Константинович; Teterin Aleksej Konstantinovic
2023Evidence-based policy of technological sovereignty: a case study of St. PetersburgТкачев Никита Сергеевич; Tkacev Nikita Sergeevic
2023The territorial peculiarities of implementing the Accessible Environment program in St PetersburgГавриленко Анастасия Николаевна; Gavrilenko Anastasia Nikolaevna
2023Linguistic and cultural features of English ergonyms of the sphere of food service in St PetersburgЮань Сяочуань; Uan Saocuan
2023Motives and Barriers in Formation of Organic Products Purchase Intention on the Saint-Petersburg MarketСидорова Полина Андреевна; Sidorova Polina Andreevna
2023The geographical aspects of the fiscal-budgetary inequality of St Petersburg municipalitiesРудаков Никита Константинович; Rudakov Nikita Konstantinovic
2023A housing construction as a factor in transformation of urban space in St PetersburgБорискин Артём Дмитриевич; Boriskin Artem Dmitrievic