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2017Current formats of travel journalism: Case studies of the "Orel i Reshka" and "Neputevie zametki" programmesНовожилова Таисия Борисовна; Novozhilova Taisiia
2017Media in mobile applications: Distribution and monetisation of the contentХазиева Анастасия Вадимовна; Khazieva Anastasia
2017The artistic elements in the report on the international themeБорецкая Вероника Александровна; Boretskaya Veronika
2017Information security and necessity of counterterrorism efforts: A case study of mass media of the People's Republic of ChinaМа Цзюньцин; Ma Junqing
2017Peacekeeping function of mass media: A case study of the Ukraine events from 2013 to 2016Браткова Евгения Александровна; Bratkova Evgenia
2017Sports television in Russia: Development prospects. A case study of the Match TV channelПавлов Никита Алексеевич; Pavlov Nikita
2017Extremism and terroristic organisations as reflected by mass mediaСмирнова Наталья Юрьевна; Smirnova Natalia
2017Terrorism on Russian and European radioСтепанова Алина Алексеевна; Stepanova Alina
2017The influence of light music on the public conscience in the USA in the first half of the 20th centuryЯковлев Иван Дмитриевич; Iakovlev Ivan
2017Successful strategies of regional publications in the InternetРогожина Галина Сергеевна; Rogozhina Galina