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Результаты 1-10 из 45.
Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2016Evolution of the foreign policy of Nicaragua in the 21st centuryАниськевич Наталия Сергеевна; Aniskevich Nataliia
2016Information war between the Russian Federation and the United States of America in the context of the political crisis in Ukraine (November, 2013 - Minsk Protocol, 2014)Тимина Виктория Олеговна; Timina Viktoriia
2017The influence of digital diplomacy on international securityХачатрян Авельер Андреевич; Khachatrian Aveler
2017Russia as an object of information warfare: evidence from conflicts in Kosovo and GeorgiaЗолотова Виктория Эдуардовна; Zolotova Viktoriia
reviewSV_Petrova_KV_bak_rec_3.jpg.jpg2017Cultural aspect of the information warfare between Russia and the U.S.Петрова Кристина Вячеславовна; Petrova Kristina
reviewSV_IMG_0642.PNG.jpg2017The Syrian crisis and the relations among Russia, Iran, and the USБитакова Дина Владимировна; Bitakova Dina
2017European missile defense system as a factor in US-Russia relations in the early 21st centuryБулатова Алина Сергеевна; Bulatova Alina
reviewSV_Kasatkin_IO_bak_rec_2.jpg.jpg2017Foreign policy of Switzerland at the present stage: priorities and challengesКасаткин Илья Олегович; Kasatkin Ilya
2017Strategies of Russia, the USA and Canada in the Arctic region: A comparative studyСтрокань Михаил Алексеевич; Strokan Mikhail
2018Investigation journalism in Russia and the USA: A comparative analysisЯук Полина Александровна; Iauk Polina