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Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2016Evolution of the foreign policy of Nicaragua in the 21st centuryАниськевич Наталия Сергеевна; Aniskevich Nataliia
2017The influence of digital diplomacy on international securityХачатрян Авельер Андреевич; Khachatrian Aveler
2017Contemporary policies of the United States, Russia, and China on the North Korean nuclear problemФедосова Виктория Игоревна; Fedosova Viktoria
2021Space exploration as part of a state’s image-making policyСафарова Регина Равильевна; Safarova Regina Ravilevna
2021Anti-crisis PR in the image policy of China, Russia and the United States amid the COVID-19 pandemicДай Жуйчэнь; Daj Zujcen
2019Foreign policy of the government of Nicaragua: 2006-2019Исаев Анар Октаевич; Isaev Anar Oktaevic
2019Image of China in the media of the USA, Russia and IndiaДун Чжэньвэй; Dun Czenvej
2020The prevention of the weaponisation of outer spaceАмилибия Пике Ион; Amilibia Pike Ion
2022Digital diplomacy of China, Russia and the USA: a comparative analysisЧжоу Ин; Czou In
2024Shanghai Cooperation Organization: possible prospects for Israel and TaiwanКань Пей Ци; Kan Pej Ci