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Результаты 41-50 из 94.
Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2017Cooperation of Russia with Japan, Republic of Korea and the People's Republic of China in the field of healthcare: Problems and prospectsЯворская Наталья Юрьевна; Iavorskaia Natalia
2017Russia–China cooperation in the field of science and education in the early 21st century: Challenges and prospectsБу Руслан Хэевич; Bu Ruslan
2017Russia as an object of information warfare: evidence from conflicts in Kosovo and GeorgiaЗолотова Виктория Эдуардовна; Zolotova Viktoriia
2017Reshaping the socio-cultural domain: The case of "cultural trauma" in Russia–Turkey relations in the early 21st centuryМаякова Ксения Сергеевна; Maiakova Kseniia
2017Russia–Japan relations in the post-Crimea era as reflected in the media of the two countriesКустов Роман Игоревич; Kustov Roman
reviewSV_Danilov_V_D__rec_2.bmp.jpg2017Sino-Russian cultural cooperation within the framework of the Silk Road Economic BeltДанилов Властислав Дмитриевич; Danilov Vlastislav
2017Cooperation between Finland and Russia in the framework of the EU-Russia Road Map on the Common Space on Freedom, Security and JusticeПлотникова Александра Сергеевна; Plotnikova Aleksandra
reviewSV_IMG_0624.PNG.jpg2017Russia's European discourse: Self–other relationsИванова Елена Владимировна; Ivanova Elena
reviewSV_IMG_0638.PNG.jpg2017Issues in German-Russian relations during Angela Merkel's chancellorship (2005–2017)Мушкет Мария Александровна; Mushket Mariia
reviewSV_Petrova_KV_bak_rec_3.jpg.jpg2017Cultural aspect of the information warfare between Russia and the U.S.Петрова Кристина Вячеславовна; Petrova Kristina