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dc.contributor.authorGonchar, Natalia V.-
dc.contributor.authorMaryshev, Vyacheslav P.-
dc.contributor.authorChurkova, Tamara V.-
dc.contributor.authorAlekhina, Galina G.-
dc.contributor.authorDobrenko, Vitaliy A.-
dc.contributor.authorSuvorov, Alexander N.-
dc.description.abstractThe article presents the results of a study on the effectiveness of using in the diet of infants of liquidform probiotic Enterococcus faecium L3 at improving trophological status and quality of life. In specialized (psychoneurological) children’s home within ten weeks during the autumn and winter period we observed 26 children aged from 2 till 12 months which were randomly divided into two groups: main group (n = 15) and group of comparison (n = 11). Observed groups did not verifiably differ on sexual structure (p = 0,62) and values of indicators of the trophological status: body weight, Chulitskaya’s index, body weight index. Average age of children of the main group was 4,3 ± 0,4 months, groups of comparison — 6,4 ± 0,18 months (p = 0,02). Children of the main group as addition to food daily within ten weeks received the liquid probiotic form E. faecium L3 with a caption not less than 108 CFU/ml, in a dose on 5 ml 2 times a day. Children of group of comparison received the usual food allowance corresponding to age. Estimated indicators of the trophological status every two weeks; change of indicators of quality of life on QUALIN questionnaire; indicators of incidence of the sharp respiratory infections; activity of realization of planned vaccination in groups. The obtained data at children of the main group allowed to establish acceleration of growth rates in the first four weeks of supervision, and also acceleration of rates of elimination of insufficiency of food according to an assessment of an index of Chulitskaya in the first eight weeks of supervision. In children of the main group the tendency to decrease in incidence of sharp respiratory infections and improvement of indicators of quality of life and realization of planned vaccination is noted. Refs 14. Figs 3. Таbles 2.en_GB
dc.publisherSt Petersburg State Universityen_GB
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVestnik of St Petersburg University. Series 11. Medicine;Issue 1-
dc.subjecttrophological statusen_GB
dc.subjectquality of lifeen_GB
dc.subjectprobiotic strain of Enterococcusen_GB
dc.subjectsharp respiratory infectionsen_GB
dc.subjectplanned vaccinationen_GB
dc.titleImprovement of indicators of the trophological status and quality of life in infants on the background of use in nutrition probiotic strains of enterococcien_GB
Располагается в коллекциях:Issue 1

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