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dc.contributor.authorShirokorad, Leonid D.-
dc.identifier.citationShirokorad L. D. Political-ideological Context of I. I. Rubin’s Theoretical Activity. St Petersburg University Journal of Economic Studies, 2016, issue 2, pp. 106–118. DOI: 10.21638/11701/spbu05.2016.206en_GB
dc.description.abstractThe article is dedicated to 130s anniversary of prominent but undeservedly forgotten Soviet marxologist I. I. Rubin’s birthday. First of all we consider the tragicinfl uence of sudden change of the Communist Party’s policy and ideology at the end of 20s–the beginning of 30s on I. I. Rubin’s and his ideas’ destiny. There were some landmarks in a process of ideological offensive on “rubinshchina”: the statement of the newspaper “Pravda”s editorial staff (October 10, 1929); I. V. Stalin’s speech in the First ALLUnion conference of agrarnik-marxists (December 27, 1929); V. P. Milyutin, B. S. Borilin. To difference of opinions in political economy (“Bol’shevik”, 1930, N 2); I. V. Stalin. A reply to comrades’ sverdlovtsy (February 9, 1930). The result of this ideological offensive was a crushing defeat of a theorist-marxist’s school which was shaped under influence of I. I. Rubin’s works. This process has been analyzed on the example of the campaign which was launched in 1931 and was directed at discredit of fundamental I. I. Rubin’s work “Subjective school in political economy”. Some discussion problems considered at a conference in Institute of Economics (Russian Academy of Sciences) in December 15, 2011, devoted to 125th anniversary of I. I. Rubin’s birthday, have been examined in the article as well. Refs 24.en_GB
dc.publisherSt Petersburg State Universityen_GB
dc.relation.ispartofseriesSt Petersburg University Journal of Economic Studies;Issue 2-
dc.subjectmethodological discussionen_GB
dc.subjectI. I. Rubinen_GB
dc.subjectI. V. Stalinen_GB
dc.subjectI. G. Blyuminen_GB
dc.subjectmechanistic school in political economyen_GB
dc.subject“right-wing opportunism”en_GB
dc.subjectsudden change in ideology and politicsen_GB
dc.subject“purge of ideological cadres”en_GB
dc.titlePolitical-ideological Context of I. I. Rubin’s Theoretical Activityen_GB
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