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dc.contributor.authorMatrosova, Nadezhda K.-
dc.identifier.citationMatrosova N. K. In the circle of new methodological orientations. Vestnik of Saint-Petersburg University. Ser. 17. Philosophy. Conflict. Cultural. Religious, 2016, issue. 2, pp. 26–33. DOI: 10.21638/11701/spbu17.2016.203en_GB
dc.description.abstractThе article «In the circle of new methodological orientations» focuses on the problems of methodology of contemporary cognition related to the procedures of knowledge construction, contemporary interpretation of rationality, the notion of intersubjectivity. The article explores contemporary interpretation of the truth, interrelation of knowledge in natural and social sciences. The importance of socio-cultural mechanisms of acquiring knowledge is pointed out, including background knowledge and relative knowledge. Methodological problems are compared with typological constructions, which include methodological rules of the contemporary world and serve as an explanation and confirmation of contemporary cognitive strategy. Typological constructions include cognitive freedom as well as logical and epistemological rules. They are theoretical and methodological synthesis of results, which have been acquired in socio-cultural and epistomological contexts and serve as a good indication of postneoclassical cognitive tendencies application. Refs 10.en_GB
dc.description.sponsorshipСтатья подготовлена в рамках проекта РГНФ «Квалитативизм как онтометодологическая установка новой гносеологической стратегии», грант № 13-03-00386.en_GB
dc.publisherSt Petersburg State Universityen_GB
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVestnik of St Petersburg University. Series 17. Philosophy. Conflict Studies. Culture Studies. Religious Studies;Issue 2-
dc.subjecttypological constructionen_GB
dc.subjectscientific rationalityen_GB
dc.subjectknowledge constructionen_GB
dc.subjectthe truthen_GB
dc.titleIn the circle of new methodological orientationsen_GB
Располагается в коллекциях:Issue 2

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