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Результаты 11-20 из 300.
Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
июн-2016Research methodology of the international economic cooperation bases in the ArcticKharlampieva, Nadezhda K.
сен-2016Lessons of the Hindu Kush: the mission of the Bundeswehr in Afghanistan and its impact on German security policyVlasov, Nikolay A.
сен-2016“Back to Basics”? NATO and Russia in New Strategic EnvironmentBoguslavskaya, Yulia K.
сен-2016Enver Hoxha: the Albanian version of Stalinism — [Book Review:] Blendi Fevziu. Enver Hoxha: The Iron Fist of Albania. Edited and introduced by Robert Elsie. London; New York: I. B. Tauris, 2016. 300 p.Khudoley, Konstantin K.
сен-2016India in the Contemporary World as viewed by European and Indian Researchers — [Book Review:] India in the Contemporary World. Polity, Economy and International Relations / eds J. Zajaczkowski, J. Schottli, M. Thapa. London; New York; New Delhi: Routledge, 2014. 522 p.Likhachev, Kirill A.
сен-2016Experience of fifth generation politicians training among the regional youth personnel clubs participantsBurikova, Inga S.; Konovalova, Maria A.; Yuriev, Alexander I.
сен-2016Participation of mass media on local elections in KyrgyzstanEsenbaev, Azis E.
сен-2016The National Security of MacedoniaKoloskov, Evgenii A.
сен-2016Potential of Conflict Discourse: Politological Assessment of Public OpinionNegrov, Evgenii O.
сен-2016Raymond Aron: the Intellectual in Politics and the Policy of the IntellectualPoliakova, Natalia V.