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dc.contributor.authorFedotova, Nina-
dc.identifier.citationWoS, (ESCI)en_GB
dc.description.abstractThe article explains the approach to the design of the distance course "Methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language (RFL): traditions and innovations" for the training of teachers of Russian as a foreign language. Through years of experience of the teaching Russian language and of the training teachers of Russian language for foreigners are defined topics, which, on the one hand, these are basic, on the other hand, cause some difficulties in the process of teaching Russian as a foreign language. The aim of the course "Methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language (RFL): traditions and innovations" is to acquaint Russian teachers with traditional teaching methods RCT and latest research of the problems of teaching Russian as foreign. Authorial educational materials designed specifically for students of distance learning course. The acquired knowledge students can directly use in their practice.en_GB
dc.publisherRussian Linguistic Bulletinen_GB
dc.subjectdistance courseen_GB
dc.subjectRussian as a second Languageen_GB
dc.subjecttraining of teachersen_GB
dc.subjectauthorial educational materialsen_GB
dc.titleОn the concept of distance training course "Methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language (RFL): traditions and innovations″en_GB
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