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Результаты 1-10 из 35.
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Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
сен-2016Boris Vasilyevich Anan’ich (1931–2015): sketches for a portraitPiankevich, Vladimir L.; Tot, Yurii V.; Florinskii, Mihail F.
мар-2017Born in revolution (Eurasian intuition in philosophical journalism the early 1920s)Dudnik, Sergei I.; Kamneva, Lolita S.; Sokolov, Alexey M.
июн-2017Philosophy of history by B. N. Chicherin: the interpretation of the phenomenon of revolution and the socialist doctrineLobeeva, Vera M.
2017The establishment of the Soviet power in the Luga’s region of the Petrograd provinceKhrisanfov, V. I.
сен-2017The February revolution a hundred years laterKulikov, Sergey V.
сен-2017Heritage of the english revolution in the ideology of early political partiesLabutina, Tatyana L.
сен-2017A political-philosophical conceptualisation of Revolution: J. de Maistre and F. I. TyutchevPoliakova, Natalia V.
сен-2017Temporality of the revolution in the discourse of russian emigrationYarskaya-Smirnova, Valentina N.; Kovalev, Mikhail V.
дек-2017Philosophy of culture in the journalism of the era of the revolutionKuznetsov, Nikita V.; Osipov, Igor D.
дек-2017The processes of analysis and synthesis in the transitional epoch. Toward a 100 years of the Russian revolutionShchuchenko, Vladimir A.