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Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
дек-2016The problem of social ideal in the journal “Problems of Philosophy and Psychology” in the year 1917Kuznetsov, Nikita V.; Osipov, Igor D.
мар-2017Can Russia be grasped with the mind?Dvornichenko, Andrey Yurievich
мар-2017By the 50th Anniversary of the Faculty of Psychology at St. Petersburg State University: International Scientific Conference “Psychology — Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow”Shaboltas, Alla V.; Grishina, Natalia V.; Volkov, Denis N.; Mednikov, Stepan V.; Khrustaleva, Nelli S.
июн-2017Philosophy of history by B. N. Chicherin: the interpretation of the phenomenon of revolution and the socialist doctrineLobeeva, Vera M.
июн-2017The Church and the Byzantine Empire: Epiphanic link of eventsUzhankov, Alexander N.
июн-2017Anna Leonidovna Horoshkevich (28.03.1931―01.05.2017)Filyushkin, Alexander I.
июн-2017Yuriy Georgievich Alexeev (15.04.1926 – 13.04.2017)Arakcheev, Vladimir A.
дек-2016«I serve to nation…»: (to the publication of «Historical letters about the relations of the Russian nation to its tribesmen» by V. I. Lamansky)Kupriyanov, Victor A.; Malinov, Alexey V.
сен-2017The current status of teaching the history of the Slavic states in Slovak schoolsHoptová, Luciána
сен-2017Historical transformations of the Czech identity: from the Middle Ages to the early Modern EraMel’nikov, Georgiy P.