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dc.contributor.authorBaturo, Vera-
dc.contributor.authorCherepanov, Igor-
dc.contributor.authorLukashov, Sergey-
dc.contributor.authorPoretsky, Sergey-
dc.contributor.authorPravilov, Anatoly-
dc.description.abstractLuminescence spectra corresponding to transitions from β1g, G1g, D'2g, and g0-g ion-pair states of an iodine molecule to weakly bound valence states 1u, 2u, and 0-u, correlating with the I(2P3/2) + I(2P1/2) (ab) and I(2P1/2) + I(2P1/2) (bb) dissociation limits, respectively, have been observed and analyzed. Energies of vibrational levels, spectroscopic constants, and potential energy curves of the valence states have been determined. The 0-u state is shown to be bound by 488(2) cm−1 and placed lower than 1u(bb) and 0+g(bb), unlike ab initio estimations.en_GB
dc.publisherIOP Publishing Ltden_GB
dc.titleSpectroscopic constants and potential energy curves of some iodine valence ungerade weakly bound statesen_GB
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