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dc.contributor.authorM. Jovanovic-
dc.contributor.authorB. Milosevic-
dc.contributor.authorYa. Yu. Nikitin-
dc.contributor.authorM. Obradovic-
dc.contributor.authorK. Yu. Volkova-
dc.description.abstractWe propose two families of scale-free exponentiality tests based on the recent characterization of exponentiality by Arnold and Villasenor. The test statistics are based on suitable functionals of U-empirical distribution functions. The family of integral statistics can be reduced to V- or U-statistics with relatively simple non-degenerate kernels. They are asymptotically normal and have reasonably high local Bahadur efficiency under common alternatives. This efficiency is compared with simulated powers of new tests. On the other hand, the Kolmogorov type tests demonstrate very low local Bahadur efficiency and rather moderate power for common alternatives,and can hardly be recommended to practitioners. We also explore the conditions of local asymptotic optimality of new tests and describe for both families special "most favorable" alternatives for which the tests are fully efficient.en_GB
dc.subjectMathematics - Statisticsen_GB
dc.subjectMathematics - Statisticsen_GB
dc.subjectStatistics - Methodologyen_GB
dc.subjectStatistics - Theoryen_GB
dc.subject60F10, 62G10, 62G20, 62G30en_GB
dc.titleTests of exponentiality based on Arnold-Villasenor characterization, and their efficienciesen_GB
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