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dc.contributor.authorPeshkova, M.A.-
dc.contributor.authorKoltashova, E.S.-
dc.contributor.authorKhripoun, G.A.-
dc.contributor.authorMikhelson, K.N.-
dc.identifier.citation3. M.A. Peshkova, E.S. Koltashova, G.A. Khripoun, K.N. Mikhelson, Improvement of the upper limit of the ISE Nernstian response by tuned galvanostatic polarization, Electrochimica Acta 167 (2015) 187-193en_GB
dc.description.abstractGalvanostatic polarization with a tuned anodic current density is successfully applied for the improvement of the upper detection limit (UDL) of a Cd2+-selective electrode with PVC membrane containing neutral ionophore N,N,N0,N0-tetradodecyl-3,6-dioxaoctanedithioamide (ETH 5435). The UDL of the anodically polarized electrode is 1.0 M CdCl2 whereas the traditional zero-current UDL is 0.05 M. The polarization regularities obey the Ohm’s law, and this makes the basis for the algorithm of the optimization of the polarizing current density for a given Cd2+ concentration and for the analytical application of the electrode.en_GB
dc.description.sponsorshipРФФИ 15-03-04514en_GB
dc.publisherElsevier Science Publishersen_GB
dc.subjectIon-selective electrodesen_GB
dc.subjectgalvanostatic polarizationen_GB
dc.titleImprovement of the upper limit of the ISE Nernstian response by tuned galvanostatic polarizationen_GB
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