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сен-2020Conceptualization of post-Soviet regime changes: Some intermediate resultsLetnyakov, Denis E.
сен-2020The “New Northern Policy” strategy and its constraintsEom, Gu Ho
сен-2020BRICS and a new model of hegemonic stabilityTkachenko, Stanislav L.; Coyle, William
сен-2020Explaining the security of the global South: Western and Non-Western approachesKhudaykulova, Alexandra V.
сен-2020Main achievements and further tasks for Korean-Russian economic cooperation: From trade to investment and innovationLee, Sang Joon
сен-2020Stuck between federalism and the vertical of power: Russian regions on the international arenaPodleśny, Artur; Miazek, Artur
сен-2020The rise and fall of a strategic partnership: Brazilian-Russian relations within the BRICS frameworkJeifets, Victor; Jubran, Bruno Mariotto
сен-2020BRICS in polar regions: Brazil’s interests and prospectsCasella, Paulo Borba; Lagutina, Maria L.; Giannattasio, Arthur Roberto Capella
сен-2020New work on the history of international relations and Russian foreign policy in the XX centuryKhudoley, Konstantin K.