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Результаты 11-16 из 16.
Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
сен-2020Regulation of telework in Russia and foreign countriesKozhevnikov, Оleg A.; Chudinovskikh, Marina V.
сен-2020Consequences of failure to pay a court fineSkripchenko, Nina Yu.
сен-2020Legal status peculiarities of court chairman in Russia and in foreign countries: Сomparative and legal analysisKornev, Viktor N.; Zholobov, Yaroslav B.
сен-2020International legal assistance in anti-corruption criminal cases in the People’s Republic of ChinaHu, Yu
сен-2020Chinese-Russian mechanism of the high-level judicial cooperationSiyuan, Jiang; Zhongyang, Gan
сен-2020Law and the organisational aspects of combating tax crime in Slovak RepublicDworzecki, Jacek; Nowicka, Izabela