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dc.contributor.authorVolkov, Vitaly A.-
dc.identifier.citationVolkov V.А. Formation of conceptual foundations of environmental ideology. Political Expertise: POLITEX, 2020, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 210–224en_GB
dc.description.abstractThe article is devoted to the problem of the theoretical search for value-regulatory provisions that determine the essence of environmental ideology. The peculiarity of the formation of environmental ideology is that its provisions grew out of a broad social environmental movement. They were not preceded by the formation of a developed theoretical concept embodying a new system of values. The fear of self-destruction by mankind through the destruction of the environment, has caused a need for the discovery of uniform values for the salvation of civilization. Understanding the ecological crisis, determining its parameters and consequences happens initially in the framework of the traditional worldview of Modern times. Attempts to create the theoretical basis of environmental ideology is done by means of the conceptual framework of classical ideologies: liberalism, conservatism, socialism. The emerging political ecology considers conservation of nature in the context of existing ideologically oriented concepts of sustainable development. The 2018 Club of Rome report changes the situation of understanding the fundamentals of environmental ideology. This analytical text puts forward conceptual principles that claim to go beyond established alternatives. A new ontology is proposed that is relevant to the current situation of the ecological crisis. The concept of “the full world” serves as its basis. The concept of the “new enlightenment” proceeds from the fundamental limitations of the epistemological principles of empiricism and induction. Hope is placed on the principles of synergy that balance existing differences and contrasts. At the same time the report leaves aside the political contradictions that arise from the development of the ecological crisis. Environmental ideology has to build a system of values not only based on the interpretation of the picture of the world, but also on the existing political contradictions. The analysis of the formation of political ecology develops a system of values based on political oppositions formed in attempts to overcome the ecological crisis by political actors. The result of such an approach is the need for a special interpretation of concepts of sovereignty, justice, and responsibility in the context of environmental problems.en_GB
dc.publisherSt Petersburg State Universityen_GB
dc.relation.ispartofseriesPolitical Expertise: POLITEX;Volume 16; Issue 2-
dc.subjectpolitical ecologyen_GB
dc.subjectvalue systemen_GB
dc.subjectfull peaceen_GB
dc.subjectnew enlightenmenten_GB
dc.subjecteco-political sovereigntyen_GB
dc.subjecteco-political justiceen_GB
dc.titleFormation of conceptual foundations of environmental ideologyen_GB
Располагается в коллекциях:Issue 2

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