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dc.contributor.authorTsvetkov, N.V.-
dc.contributor.authorLebedeva, E.V.-
dc.contributor.authorLezov, A.A.-
dc.contributor.authorPodseval'Nikova, A.N.-
dc.contributor.authorAkhmadeeva, L.I.-
dc.contributor.authorZorin, I.M.-
dc.contributor.authorBilibin, A.Yu.-
dc.identifier.citationPolymer (United Kingdom), 55 (7), pp. 1716-1723 (2014)en_GB
dc.description.abstractThe samples of poly(12-acryloylaminododecanoic acid) were synthesized in micellar solutions of the monomer. The possibility of obtaining polymeric ionogenic surfactants of different molecular masses by varying concentration of monomeric surfactant was demonstrated. Detailed studies of the obtained polymer were performed using macromolecular hydrodynamic methods, dynamic light scattering, scanning probe microscopy and flow birefringence. The parameter of equilibrium rigidity of macromolecules (the Kuhn segment length A ¼ 62 10 8 cm) and their effective hydrodynamic diameter were determined in mixed solvent (dioxane-cyclohexanol). Contributions made by optical microform and macroform effects to the observed dynamic birefringence were analyzed in detail. The intrinsic optical anisotropy of the monomer unit was estimated; it correlates well with the corresponding values for comb-shaped polymers of similar structure.en_GB
dc.subjectComb-like polymeren_GB
dc.subjectMacromolecule conformationen_GB
dc.titleMacromolecules of poly-(12-acryloylaminododecanoic acid) in organic solvent: Synthesis and molecular characteristicsen_GB
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