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dc.contributor.authorKochemirovsky, Vladimir A.-
dc.contributor.authorSkripkin, Mikhail Yu.-
dc.contributor.authorTveryanovich, Yury S.-
dc.contributor.authorMereshchenko, Andrey S.-
dc.contributor.authorGorbunov, Artem-
dc.contributor.authorPanov, Maxim S.-
dc.contributor.authorTumkin, Ilya I.-
dc.contributor.authorSafonov, Sergey V.-
dc.identifier.citation6. Kochemirovsky, V. A.; Skripkin, M. Yu.; Tveryanovich, Yu. S.; Mereshchenko, A. S.; Gorbunov, A. O.; Panov, M. S.; Tumkin, I. I.; Safonov S. V. Russ. Chem. Rev., 2015, 84, 1059 - 1075en_GB
dc.description.abstractnformation about the factors influencing laser-induced deposition of metals, primarily copper, from aqueous and aqueous organic solutions are generalized and described systematically. Laser-induced deposition techniques and mechanisms of chemical and laser-induced deposition of local copper and other metal structures onto the dielectric surface are considered. The effects of the solution composition, the nature of the reducing agent and the properties of the dielectric surface on the deposition process are discussed. Possible photochemical reactions induced by laser radiation and the role of these reactions in the photoreduction of metals are considered. The key trends and prospects in the development of laser-induced chemical liquid phase deposition are mentioned.en_GB
dc.titleLaser-induced copper deposition from aqueous and aqueous - organic solutions: state of the art and prospects of researchen_GB
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