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dc.contributor.authorOstras', Alexei S-
dc.contributor.authorIvanov, Daniil M-
dc.contributor.authorNovikov, Alexander S-
dc.contributor.authorTolstoy, Peter M-
dc.description.abstractAn extensive series of 128 halogen-bonded complexes formed by trimethylphosphine oxide and various F-, Cl-, Br-, I- and At-containing molecules, ranging in energy from 0 to 124 kJ/mol, is studied by DFT calculations in vacuum. The results reveal correlations between R-X⋅⋅⋅O=PMe3 halogen bond energy ΔE, X⋅⋅⋅O distance r, halogen's σ-hole size, QTAIM parameters at halogen bond critical point and changes of spectroscopic parameters of phosphine oxide upon complexation, such as 31P NMR chemical shift, ΔδP, and P=O stretching frequency, Δν. Some of the correlations are halogen-specific, i.e., different for F, Cl, Br, I and At, such as ΔE(r), while others are general, i.e., fulfilled for the whole set of complexes at once, such as ΔE(ΔδP). The proposed correlations could be used to estimate the halogen bond properties in disordered media (liquids, solutions, polymers, glasses) from the corresponding NMR and IR spectra.en_GB
dc.titlePhosphine Oxides as Spectroscopic Halogen Bond Descriptors: IR and NMR Correlations with Interatomic Distances and Complexation Energyen_GB
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