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dc.contributor.authorSolovyeva, Elena-
dc.contributor.authorSolovyev, Dmitryi-
dc.identifier.issn2469-9926 (print) 2469-9934 (online)-
dc.description.abstractWe analyze the influence of an external electric field on the ns and np Rydberg states. The impact of an electric field leads to a significant modification of the decay rate. Namely, the additional (linear and quadratic in the field) terms arise in the differential transition probabilities. In contrast to the quadratic term, the linear summand leads to a difference of the hydrogen (H) and antihydrogen (H¯) spectra. However, this difference vanishes after the integration over photon-emission directions and does not contribute to the total emission probability. The quadratic term results in the significant change of the total decay rate and level width, respectively. The analysis of the linear and quadratic terms depending on the field strength is discussed.en_GB
dc.publisherAmerican Physical Societyen_GB
dc.relation.ispartofseriesPhysical Review A;91 (4)-
dc.subjectDecay rateen_GB
dc.subjectExternal electric fielden_GB
dc.subjectPhoton emissionsen_GB
dc.subjectTransition probabilitiesen_GB
dc.subjectField strengthsen_GB
dc.subjectHydrogen and antihydrogenen_GB
dc.subjectTotal emissionsen_GB
dc.titleRydberg-state mixing in the presence of an external electric field: Comparison of the hydrogen and antihydrogen spectraen_GB
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