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dc.contributor.authorKiseleva, M.A.-
dc.contributor.authorKondratyeva, N.V.-
dc.contributor.authorKuznetsov, N.V.-
dc.contributor.authorLeonov, G.A.-
dc.description.abstractRecently the question on drilling rigs failures due to hidden oscillations was actively discussed. For instance, it was shown by the scientific group from Eindhoven University of Technology that such oscillations may appear in drilling rigs actuated by DC motor. In the works of the authors same effect was found for models of rigs with induction motor. Here a new mathematical model of a drilling rig activated by a salient pole synchronous motor is considered. Numerical modelling of the obtained model is performed.en_GB
dc.description.sponsorshipSaint Petersburg State University, Russian Science Foundationen_GB
dc.subjectdrilling systemen_GB
dc.subjecthidden oscillationsen_GB
dc.subjectsalient pole synchronous motoren_GB
dc.titleHidden oscillations in drilling systems with salient pole synchronous motoren_GB
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