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dc.contributor.authorGrokhovskiy, Pavel-
dc.contributor.authorKhokhlova, Maria-
dc.contributor.authorSmirnova, Maria-
dc.contributor.authorZakharov, Viktor-
dc.description.abstractThe paper is devoted to Tibetan grammatical terminology. For this purpose Tibetan grammatical works corpus was created. At the same time Russian translations of the works were added to the corpus, so it is factually a parallel Tibetan-Russian corpus. The corpus represents the collection of grammar treatises of the Tibetan grammatical tradition formed in VII-VIII c. The corpus is useful to researchers of the Tibetan linguistic tradition as well as to those specialized in linguistic studies of classical and modern Tibetan and its teaching. On the basis of corpus a specific grammatical lexical database is created. The database will be useful both to tibetologists and general linguistics specialists.en_GB
dc.relation.ispartofseriesLecture Notes in Computer Science;Vol. 9302-
dc.subjectLinguistical terminologyen_GB
dc.subjectTibetan languageen_GB
dc.subjectCorpus linguisticsen_GB
dc.subjectParallel corpusen_GB
dc.titleTibetan Linguistic Terminology on the Base of the Tibetan Traditional Grammar Treatises Corpusen_GB
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