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dc.contributor.authorSkvortcova, Ekaterina Alksandrovna-
dc.description.abstracthe paper examines parallels and difference between representation strategies of Maria Theresia and Catherine the Great. It is based on two groups of interrelated images illustrating double nature of the Empress, i.e. ruler and woman — portraits commemorating succession to the throne and function of a defender of the land, on the one hand (coronation portrait, equestrian portrait, portrait in a national costume), and portraits symbolizing her functions connected with the family and reproducing dynasty (family portrait, ancestral portrait gallery), on the other.en_GB
dc.publisherDie Repräsentation Maria Theresias. Herrschaft und Bildpolitik im Zeitalter der Aufklärung (Schriftenreihe der Österreichischen Gesellschaft zur Erforschung des 18. Jahrhunderts. Bd. 19)en_GB
dc.subjectCatherine the Great, Maria Theresa, 18th-century art, visual representation of a ruler, coronation portrait, equestrian portrait, family portrait, ancestral portrait gallery, family portrait galleryen_GB
dc.titleFemale Rulers of the Two Empires: Representation Strategies of Maria Theresa and Catherine the Greaten_GB
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