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Результаты 11-20 из 63.
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Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
мар-2020“Another soul is a closed book” (experience of family conflict interpretation in the F. M. Dostoevsky’s story “The Meek One”)Soina, Olga S.; Sabirov, Vladimir Sh.
мар-2020The extension of liberalism by collectivism in S. I. HessenMelikh, Yulia B.
мар-2020Category of nothing in the philosophy of PlatoSlinin, Yaroslav A.
мар-2020Pavel Florensky and “inactive effort”. Philosophy of religion as a source of concepts for epistemologyMach, Jakub
мар-2020Invention of the future in project-time. An imaginary “encounter” between Georg Simmel and Henri Bergson, and its significance for architectureBojanić, Petar; Cherepanova, Ekaterina S.
мар-2020The return of the dictatorship: A new perception of modernityDanilov, Alexander N.
июн-2020Risk of power — power of riskStrebkov, Alexander I.; Musaev, Abdurashid I.
июн-2020Krise of quality education in the digital economyDudnik, Sergei I.; Маrkov, Вoris V.
июн-2020Working time reduction as the factor of solving retirement conflictZolotov, Alexander V.; Popov, Mikhail V.; Lomov, Vitaly A.
июн-2020Neither conflict, no concord: Performing ideology in contemporary RussiaLoginov, Aleksei V.; Rudenkin, Dmitry V.