DIGEST OF WORLD POLITICS. ANNUAL REVIEW. Volume 10 Главная страница коллекции Просмотр статистики

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Ресурсы коллекции (Сортировка по Даты сохранения в по убыванию порядке): 21 по 40 из 40
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
дек-2020Spiritual Kinship to the Turkish and Russian Cultures through the Prism of Literature (Essay)Avrutina, Apollinariya S.
дек-2020Trends of change of geopolitical processes in the Caspian RegionIsmayilov, Chingiz N.
дек-2020Geopolitical Location of the Republic of Azerbaijan: temporal and Spatial ChangesIbrahimov, Aydin I.; Ismaylova, Gulzar M.
дек-2020About some exotic features of Turkic languages («Turkic miracles»)Guzev, Viktor G.
дек-2020Writing of the Turkic people in the Ancient and Early Middle ages: main systemsTelitsin, Nikolay N.
дек-2020Material testimonies of the history of diplomatic relations between the Russian Empire and Ethiopia in the St. Petersburg collectionsGusarova, Ekaterina V.
дек-2020Jerusalem Inscription of Yoḥannəs IV, Emperor of EthiopiaFrantsouzov, Sergej A.
дек-2020Essays of cultural policy of Ethiopia: a look through the eraBalashova, Galina A.
дек-2020Evolution of terminology in the Amharic languageKravchenko, Svetlana L.
дек-2020About some typological characteristics of Number in Niger-Congo languagesZheltov, Alexander Yu.
дек-2020Swahili language in Afro-American cultureGromova, Nelli V.
дек-2020Jibal Nuba: traditions of the past and difficulties of the new stageGerasimov, Igor V.; Alferov, Daniil A.
дек-2020Muslim prophets-revolutionaries in Sub-Saharan Africa: prophetic movements in the history of the continentSavateev, Anatoly D.
дек-2020Logone and Dar al-Kuti: Phantom Independence in Central AfricaDobronravin, Nikolay A.
дек-2020Muhammed ben Yusef: From a “Golden Cell” to the First 5-year Plan (Commemorating the 65th Anniversary of Independence of the Kingdom of Morocco)Dyakov, Nikolay N.
дек-2020Civilizational contexts of African regionalismGladkiy, Yurij N.; Sukhorukov, Vyacheslav D.
дек-2020From the First PersonYagya, Vatanyar S.; Nemchinova, Tamara S.
дек-2020Our ContemporaryKolesnikov, Alexandr A.
дек-2020Editorial NoteNemchinova, Tamara S.
дек-2020Актуальные проблемы мировой политики: Ежегодный альманах-
Ресурсы коллекции (Сортировка по Даты сохранения в по убыванию порядке): 21 по 40 из 40