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dc.contributor.authorKhudobakhshov, V. A.-
dc.contributor.authorPitko, A.-
dc.contributor.authorZotov, D.-
dc.description.abstractDespite the fact that there are thousands of programming languages existing there is a huge controversy about what language is better to solve a particular problem. In this paper we discuss requirements for programming language with respect to AGI research. In this article new language will be presented. Unconventional features (e.g. probabilistic programming and partial evaluation) are discussed as important parts of language design and implementation. Besides, we consider possible applications to particular problems related to AGI. Language interpreter for Lisp-like probabilistic mixed paradigm programming language is implemented in Haskell.en_GB
dc.relation.ispartofseriesArtificial General Intelligence;2015-
dc.titleProgramming languages and artificial general intelligenceen_GB
Располагается в коллекциях:Conference papers & Presentations

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