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dc.contributor.authorFranek, Juraj-
dc.contributor.authorUrbanová, Daniela-
dc.identifier.citationJuraj Franek, Daniela Urbanová. “As Isis Loved Osiris, So Let Matrona Love Theodoros…”: Sympathetic Magic and Similia Similibus Formulae in Greek and Latin Curse Tablets (Part 2). Philologia Classica 2019, 14 (2), 177–207.en_GB
dc.description.abstractIn this contribution, we present a representative corpus of similia similibus formulae attested in ancient Greek and Latin curse tablets or defixiones. The simile formulae, attested in about 80 tablets in widely differing states of preservation and legibility, are introduced in the context of sympathetic magic and, in contradistinction to literary similes, as performative utterances that are based on a persuasive analogy. This analogy operates in the general form of “just as X possesses property P, so let also Y possess property P”, in which Y is the target or victim of the curse, while X and P are variables that change in accordance with the intended results. We provide a provisional taxonomy of simile formulae, offer new readings and interpretations of some defixiones, and compare Greek and Latin documents. Due to its length, the paper has been divided into two parts. In the first part, presented in the previous issue of Philologia Classica (Vol. 14, Fasc. 1, Pp. 27–55), we introduced curse tablets, briefly discussed the principles of sympathetic magic, and focused on comparata that reference the materiality of the tablet and comparata referencing corpses or ghosts of the dead. The remaining comparata, namely animals, historiolae and rituals, aversus formulae and unusual orientations of the script, “names”, and drawings, are presented in here together with general conclusions.en_GB
dc.description.sponsorshipDaniela Urbanová kindly acknowledges the support of the Commission for Ancient History and Epigraphy in Munich (Deutsches Archäologisches Institut), and especially its Vice Director Prof. Dr. Rudolf Haensch, for the opportunity to work on the paper as an invited research fellow in September 2019. This study is a result of the project GA ČR 19-02741S “The Transmission and Transformation of Ideas in Hellenism, Early Judaism, and Early Christianity” funded by the Czech Science Foundation.en_GB
dc.publisherSt Petersburg State Universityen_GB
dc.relation.ispartofseriesPhilologia Classica;Volume 14; Issue 2-
dc.subjectcurse tabletsen_GB
dc.subjectancient magicen_GB
dc.subjectsympathetic magicen_GB
dc.subjectGreek and Latin epigraphyen_GB
dc.subjectsimilia similibusen_GB
dc.subjectsimile formulaen_GB
dc.subjectanimals in antiquityen_GB
dc.title“As Isis Loved Osiris, So Let Matrona Love Theodoros…”: Sympathetic Magic and Similia Similibus Formulae in Greek and Latin Curse Tablets (Part 2)en_GB
Располагается в коллекциях:Issue 2

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