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дек-2019Cross-genre situation in Jakob Michael Reinhold Lenz’s Die SoldatenKovalenko, Vera V.
дек-2019World literature in the interim of cultures: about the Russian edition of Letters from Turkey by Kelemen MikesPoluboyarinova, Larisa N.
дек-2019Tautologies X copula X in Bulgarian: Vocabulary, grammar, variation (a corpus-based investigation)Lazareva, Viktoria A.; Ivanova, Elena Yu.
дек-2019Book review: Sergei Shelov. An essay on the theory of terminology: composition, conceptual organization, practical applicationsTabanakova, Vera D.
дек-2019In Memoriam of Liudmila Verbitskaia-
дек-2019Discourse analysis of an interview about the Bulgarian Pomak wedding ceremonyBalashevich, Diana Dmitrievna
дек-2019Some features of query construction in an expert system according to the peculiarities of knowledge structuring (using the domain of nanotechnology as an example)Gukosyants, Olga Yu.; Latu, Maxim N.
дек-2019Burova I. I., Vasilieva E. V. Emma Bovari’s sisters: doctors’ wives in the Victorian female prose. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Language and Literature. 2019, 16 (4): 653–672.Burova, Irina I.; Vasilieva, Elmira V.
дек-2019Rose — a color and a flower: Meaning and cultural contextTolochin, Igor V.; Vlasova, Assol A.
дек-2019Tradition and intertext in S. N. Durylin’s play Don-JuanKorshunova, Evgeniya A.