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dc.contributor.authorKuperin, Yu. A-
dc.contributor.authorMakarov, K. A-
dc.description.abstractA model of the scattering of a structureless pointlike particle on a spherical bag with an internal structure, imitating "quark" degrees of freedom, is considered. It is assumed that the bag is a dynamical object and its radius plays the role of additional dynamical variable. The energy of the collision is distributed among the quark excitations and the vibration degrees of freedom of the bag surface. In the frame of the theory of extensions the Hamiltonian of the coupled bag-quark system interacting with the pointlike particle is constructed. The formal multichannel S matrix of the problem is obtained.en_GB
dc.publisherJ. Math. Phys.en_GB
dc.subjectquark, particle, modelen_GB
dc.titleAn extensions theory setting for scattering by breathing bagen_GB
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