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dc.contributor.authorManerova, Kristina Valerievna-
dc.identifier.citationManerova K. V. Constructive formalization of phraseoreflexes Gott weiß / weiß Gott in German. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Language and Literature. 2019, 16 (2): 259–271.en_GB
dc.description.abstractThe paper explores the mechanism of meaning ambiguity as illustrated by the German idiomconstructions Gott weiß / weiß Gott, using the methods of Ch. Fillmore’s construction grammar (C×G). The phraseoreflexes Gott weiß / weiß Gott are phraseological unit with a low degree of idiomaticity, with a stable, yet variable, composition, with a regular syntactic structure making it possible to define them a bigrammatical constructions. Syntactic elements such as actants and syntagms may complement the idiom-constructions Gott weiß / weiß Gott in the “minor syntax” category. The semantic meaning of the Gott weiß / weiß Gott slots changes depending on their type of syntactic complement. Incorporating the said phraseoreflexes as slots such as a simple sentence, an independent clause or a parenthesis into larger constructions makes them reveal their meaning ambiguity. The meaning ambiguity of the German phraseoreflexes Gott weiß / weiß Gott is combined with distributive elements: the semantics (Sem) of the Gott weiß / weiß Gott slots changes depending on the type of the subordinate clause as their syntactic complement such as constructions with ob-clauses or the so-called w-clauses as a parenthesis or object dass-clauses. The phraseoreflex weiß Gott comprises the same “confirming” implicature used as an argument. The German phraseoreflexes Gott weiß / weiß Gott are examined in 101 contexts. The modification of a linguistic unit’s semantics becomes obvious when it is analyzed using the C×G methodology. This paper does not explore religious text types.en_GB
dc.description.sponsorshipИсследование выполнено в рамках исполнения НИР по мероприятию «Совместная про- грамма СПбГУ и DAAD “Дмитрий Менделеев”» 2016/17 в СПбГУ.en_GB
dc.publisherSt Petersburg State Universityen_GB
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVestnik of St Petersburg University. Language and Literature;Volume 16; Issue 2-
dc.subjectphraseology of the German languageen_GB
dc.subjectmeaning ambiguityen_GB
dc.subjectconstruction grammaren_GB
dc.subjectconstructive formalizationen_GB
dc.titleConstructive formalization of phraseoreflexes Gott weiß / weiß Gott in Germanen_GB
Располагается в коллекциях:Issue 2

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