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dc.contributor.authorAkulin, Igor M.-
dc.contributor.authorZhiguleva, Lubov Yu.-
dc.identifier.citationAkulin I. M., Zhiguleva L. Yu. Development of medical insurance in the Russian Federation. At the crossroads. What’s next? Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Medicine, 2019, vol. 14, issue 2, pp. 147–157.en_GB
dc.description.abstractThe RF health care reform is gaining momentum. A thorough consideration should be given to the discussion on the need to exclude health insurance companies from the compulsory health insurance system (CHI). Formation of the National Health Care System of Russia is the main problem of the national health care at this stage of reforms. As it is known in the territory of the Russian Federation today there are three main systems: state, private and municipal. Each of which has its advantages and disadvantages. The state (Federal) and municipal health systems are United by the common term “public health”. It is a system of scientific and practical measures, as well as providing their structures of medical and non-medical nature, the activities of which are aimed at the implementation of the concept of protection and promotion of public health, prevention of diseases and injuries, increasing the duration of active life and working capacity by combining the efforts of society. Additional payment for medical services in the CHI by the general public is not advisable. It is necessary to change the concept of additional service, its legal status and to regulate the basic provisions. Changes in the regulatory framework of the CHI system is deemed to be the basis for reforming the system of compulsory and voluntary health insurance in Russia. The article describes the main problems of the CHI system in Russia. This applies not only to the legal regulation of the system, but also to the financing of the system, its feasibility and economic efficiency. Also in the article the variants of the decision of reforming of insurance in the medical sphere are specified. The main regulatory and legal criteria for the provision of compulsory and additional health insurance of the population are presented. We have developed a new algorithm for solving problems in the CHI system.en_GB
dc.publisherSt Petersburg State Universityen_GB
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVestnik of St Petersburg University. Medicine;Volume 14; Issue 2-
dc.subjectnational health care systemen_GB
dc.subjecthealth insurance organizationsen_GB
dc.subjecthealth care reform in Russiaen_GB
dc.subjectpaid medical services and CHIen_GB
dc.titleDevelopment of medical insurance in the Russian Federation. At the crossroads. What’s next?en_GB
Располагается в коллекциях:Issue 2

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