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Результаты 11-20 из 20.
Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
дек-2019Alexander the Great and Three Examples of Upholding Mythological TraditionTumans, Harijs
дек-2019Prelude to Revolution in the Church: Diocesan Congresses of Parish ClergyFreeze, Gregory L.
дек-2019Script Reforms in Early Soviet Ethnic PolicyMusaev, Vadim I.
дек-2019The Escape from Circassia on the Eve of the Caucasian WarCherkasov, Aleksandr A.; Koroleva, Larisa A.; Bratanovskii, Sergei N.; Šmigel’, Michal
дек-2019Eurasian Interpretation of Alexander Nevsky in the Works of Vernadsky and KlepininSokolov, Roman A.
дек-2019Vasily Struve and Formation of Categories of Soviet Historical ScienceBukharin, Mikhail D.
дек-2019The Polish Question Through the Eyes of Russian Liberal Constitutionalists on the Eve and During the January UprisingGusman, Leonid Yu.
дек-2019The Outposts of Lancastrian France in Eastern ChampagneLobanov, Aleksandr M.
дек-2019Anglican Apology of the Ancien Regime in EnglandBaryshnikov, Vladimir N.; Borisenko, Victor N.; Stetckevich, Mikhail S.
дек-2019Fragments of Soviet Historical Science in Osip Weinstein’s lettersLevchenko, Valery V.