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dc.contributor.authorMaizik, Elena I.-
dc.identifier.citationMaizik E. I. 2019. International communication of museums in the Yenisei province in the end of the 19th century. The Issues of Museology, 10 (1), 112–122.en_GB
dc.description.abstractThe history of international relations of museums of the Yenisei province in the late 19th century is of particular importance, as it makes it possible to trace the specifics of the formation of the provincial scientific community through communication and intercultural exchange in this field. This research paper is aimed at studying the development of international collaboration of the museums in the Yenisei province. The museums have played an important role in the genesis and popularization of science in the Yenisei province. International communication today cannot be overestimated. It will contribute to the development of research collaboration, development of science, international exchange of information and integration of Russian science and museums in international research. Archive data and publications of the local and national press have been analyzed to provide the reliability of the conclusions. The forms of cooperation were varied: collections exchange, cooperative research and visits. As a result of the investigation it is stated that the international scientific relations were represented as a complex structure with a plenitude of directions and forms of development. The article identifies forms of international cooperation of museums, including visits to museums by foreign scholars, correspondence on the provision of scientific information, exchange and definition of collections, participation in exhibitions, etc. The expanding international relations of museums clearly show that at the end of the 19th century a research culture was formed in the Yenisei province. Today, the functions of international relations of museums are expressed in the dissemination of world museum experience, the introduction of unique national cultural values into the world scientific circulation, the consolidation of peace, the improvement of mutual understanding and cooperation among nations. The results of this scientific cooperation attract the attention of researchers, and lost foreign contacts are being revived in the modern activities of museums.en_GB
dc.description.sponsorshipПубликация выполнена при финансовой поддержке Благотворительного фонда Прохорова в конкурсе «Академическая мобильность» в 2018 г. (№ АМ–10/18).-
dc.publisherSt Petersburg State Universityen_GB
dc.relation.ispartofseriesThe Issues of Museology;Volume 10; Issue 1-
dc.subjectinternational communicationsen_GB
dc.subjectYenisei provinceen_GB
dc.subjectKrasnoyarsk museumen_GB
dc.subjectMinusinsk museumen_GB
dc.subjectYenisei museumen_GB
dc.subjectinternational exchangeen_GB
dc.titleInternational communication of museums in the Yenisei province in the end of the 19th centuryen_GB
Располагается в коллекциях:Issue 1

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