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dc.contributor.authorTikaeva, Zainab D.-
dc.identifier.citationTikaeva Z. D. 2019. The Caucasian collection of Prince A. I. Baryatinsky. The Issues of Museology, 10 (1), 99–105.en_GB
dc.description.abstractThe name of Prince Alexander Ivanovich Baryatinsky is widely known in the history of Russia, primarily in military history. A brilliant aristocrat, military and state leader, as well as a member of the Council of State, a conqueror of the Caucasus, who managed to capture the most rebellious leader of the Highlanders — Imam Shamil. But he is also known as a passionate collector and bibliophile. Alexander Ivanovich collected rare books on the history of Russia, as well as military relics. A collection of Baryatinsky’s books, for example, is now kept in the State Public Historical Library. In this article, the author examines and analyzes the collection of objects dating from the 18th–19th centuries. The collection is kept in the National Museum of Dagestan named after A. A. Taho-Godi. Earlier, in the second half of the 19th century, it belonged to the viceroy to the emperor in the Caucasus, the well-known commander of the Russian army during the Caucasian war, Prince A. I. Baryatinsky. Previously, the collection was located in the Prince’s Kursk estate, in Marino. The author also cites some biographical information about Prince Baryatinsky and analyzes the milestones of his life. Among the items are some not related to the Caucasus, for example, Japanese swords, a Spanish knife, a tomahawk and more, as well as a leather saddle that belonged to the prince after the Caucasus. It is known that this is an English sport saddle of a later period. The collection includes a number of French blade weapons and firearms of the 18th century. The collection has never been an object of serious scientific research. The study is based on sources of museum origin and a wide range of relevant sources on the topic.en_GB
dc.publisherSt Petersburg State Universityen_GB
dc.relation.ispartofseriesThe Issues of Museology;Volume 10; Issue 1-
dc.subjectPrince A. I. Baryatinskyen_GB
dc.subjectthe estate of Marinoen_GB
dc.subjectImam Shamilen_GB
dc.subjectCaucasian Waren_GB
dc.titleThe Caucasian collection of Prince A. I. Baryatinskyen_GB
Располагается в коллекциях:Issue 1

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