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Результаты 11-20 из 27.
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Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
мар-2019Interpretation of the past in the expositions of the Artillery Historical Museum in the 1930sGusarov, Nikita A.
мар-2019On the question on the necessity of forming school museum space in the regions (for example Irkutsk city)Sayaparova, Ekaterina V.
дек-2019“In the strong hands of the government”: Letters from I. P. Kornilov and A. D. Stolypin about the transformation of the Vilno Museum of AntiquitiesKotov, Aleksandr E.
дек-2019European cultural event: Exhibitions of old Russian art in Germany in 1926 and 1929Sychenkova, Lydia A.
дек-2019Abram I. Lipman — first researcher of the Kunstkamera’s of the Imperial Academy of Sciences buildingKhartanovich, Margarita F.
дек-2019Museology in dialogue with history, philosophy, heritage issues: What St. Petersburg museum experts wrote in 2018Sapanzha, Olga S.
дек-2019How to study daily life of the Soviet elite of the second half of the 1940s — early 1950s: sources of museum originAmosova, Alisa A.; Bulakhova, Anna D.
дек-2019History of Russian cannon factories in the exhibits of the Mining MuseumObolonskaya, Edita V.
дек-2020Picture frames from the Romanov Gallery of the Imperial Hermitage. To the history of creation and existenceLysenko, Oksana A.
дек-2019Development of museum affairs in Azerbaijan at the end 20th — beginning 21st centuryKerimova, Sevil A.