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Ресурсы коллекции (Сортировка по Даты сохранения в по убыванию порядке): 1 по 20 из 20
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
сен-2019Disputes about Speaking from their CellsBelousov, Mikhail S.
сен-2019The Womanly Face of WarSokolov, Oleg V.
сен-2019Historical Anthropology in EurasiaSchorkowitz, Dittmar
сен-2019Historical Memory of Ethno-Confessional Conflicts in RussiaSavin, Sergey D.; Kasabutskaya, Margarita S.
сен-2019The National Systems of Higher Education in Britain and France before and after the Implementation of the Bologna ProcessDaudov, Abdulla Ch.; Fyodorov, Sergey E.
сен-2019The American Committee for Liberation from Bolshevism and Soviet Emigration in EuropeKodin, Evgenii V.
сен-2019Removal of Confederate Monuments as a Reflection of Contemporary Southern ReintegrationMichael A. Powell
сен-2019Bilingualism against Diglossia in the French Royal Chancery in the Late Middle AgesNosova, Ekaterina I.
сен-2019Historical Memory as the Cause of Conflict in Medieval LivoniaMäesalu, Mihkel
сен-2019Livonian Canons and Challenge of the ReformationMaasing, Madis
сен-2019Urban Migration in the Later Middle AgesMayer, Markus
сен-2019English Gentry in the First Half of the 15th CenturyChernova, Larisa N.
сен-2019Freedom and Dependence in the Relationship between Landlords and Tenants in the Customary Law of Medieval English BoroughsVinokurova, Marina V.
сен-2019Reconsidering the imperium infinitum of Marcus Antonius CreticusKudryavtseva, Tatyana V.
сен-2019Working-Class Youth in the Vanguard: Youth Surveys and their ImplicationsBrown, Patrick J.
сен-2019The Gold Factor and Soviet Gold Industry during the Stalin EpochGrebenyuk, Pavel S.
сен-2019The February Revolution in Russia and the Polish QuestionRachkovsky, Valery A.; Fedorov, Mikhail V.
сен-2019Gambling Clubs and Excitement in St. Petersburg during the First Russian RevolutionLizunov, Pavel V.
сен-2019Provision of Housing for Parish Clergy in the Post-Reform PeriodIkonnikov, Sergey A.
сен-2019The Peasant Movement in Russia on the Eve of Emancipation as a Moment of TruthMironov, Boris N.
Ресурсы коллекции (Сортировка по Даты сохранения в по убыванию порядке): 1 по 20 из 20