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dc.contributor.authorChesnokova, Maria N.-
dc.identifier.citationChesnokova M. N. 2018. The role of the discipline “Conceptual exhibitions” in the educational process. The Issues of Museology, 9 (2), 185–190.en_GB
dc.description.abstractThe article is devoted to the discipline “Conceptual exhibitions”, the study of which is carried out by students of the third year of the direction “Exhibition activity” of the faculty of World Culture of the St. Petersburg State Institute of culture. There are types of exhibitions that do not fit into the framework of traditional methods of exposure. The exhibition often becomes a testing ground for new exhibition solutions or a form of expression of the artist or curator. Exhibitions, which are essentially the author’s statement and a holistic artistic body are called “Conceptual”. It is extremely important to give students the opportunity to develop independent creative abilities. This is one of the main tasks of the discipline “Conceptual exhibitions”. This problem is solved by including creative tasks in the learning process. In accordance with these tasks, students create a brief concept of the exhibition, reflecting personal interests; offer a project of the exhibition, which may include any items that complement the work of art marked on the card; offer a project of the exhibition, which can be created in a non-museum space, selected from a list or marked on a card, randomly; describe their idea of the museum of modern art, the prospects for its development, the optimal structure, the construction of exhibitions of such a museum. The wide range of creative tasks, included to the educational process reflects not only orientation of future bachelors on practical activities, but the desire to awaken the creative potential of each student, the desire to give him a sense of pleasure from the opportunity to speak, from the game situation, in which the usual restrictions are removed. That is the way to know each student as individuality and let him learn more about himself.en_GB
dc.publisherSt Petersburg State Universityen_GB
dc.relation.ispartofseriesThe Issues of Museology;Volume 9; Issue 2-
dc.subjectconceptual exhibitionen_GB
dc.titleThe role of the discipline “Conceptual exhibitions” in the educational processen_GB
Располагается в коллекциях:Issue 2

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