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Ресурсы коллекции (Сортировка по Даты сохранения в по убыванию порядке): 21 по 40 из 524
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2024The elaboration of a strategy for the development of the Kologrivsky municipality (the Kostroma region) as an eco-tourism destinationТимганов Артём Эмильевич; Timganov Artem Emilevic
2024Evaluating the homogeneity of the Neva River monitoring sections using Earth remote sensing dataЗаколюкина Анна Алексеевна; Zakolukina Anna Alekseevna
2024The improvement of the environmental management system by Uralchem AOФедотов Иван Алексеевич; Fedotov Ivan Alekseevic
2024The geospatial technologies for streams delineation in digital elevation models: a case study of northern Russian riversКочетова Алиса Валерьевна; Kocetova Alisa Valerevna
2024The assessment of soil agroecology in the bosquets of the Summer GardensМартынов Анатолий Александрович; Martynov Anatolij Aleksandrovic
2024The nesting ecology of Peregrine Falcon in Southern YamalСеменова Александра Николаевна; Semenova Aleksandra Nikolaevna
2024The rebranding of tourist destinations in the Vologda regionСедунов Сергей Николаевич; Sedunov Sergej Nikolaevic
2024The geoinformation analysis and mapping of early Neolithic monuments in Eastern EuropeФризен Анна Викторовна; Frizen Anna Viktorovna
2024Forecasting the oil content of Silurian sediments of the land part of the Russian Baltic basin using hydrocarbon system modellingДзасохов Денис Алексеевич; Dzasohov Denis Alekseevic
2024The variability of vegetation indices of typical vegetation of Karelian Isthmus by data of Earth remote sensingЗорина Анастасия Геннадьевна; Zorina Anastasia Gennadevna
reviewSV_Review_Supervisor.jpg.jpg2024Carbon neutrality policy in the development of forest climate projectsШацкова Светлана Алексеевна; Sackova Svetlana Alekseevna
2024The assessment of the environmental threat from bottom sediments in smaller rivers of St PetersburgЧерняев Николай Вячеславович; Cernaev Nikolaj Vaceslavovic
2024Measuring greenhouse gas fluxes at carbon polygonsЛисовская Дарья Евгеньевна; Lisovskaa Dara Evgenevna
2024The assessment of economic damage from errors in determining boundaries when forming the cadastral value of land plotsСивачук Роман Олегович; Sivacuk Roman Olegovic
2024GTL technologies for the environmentally friendly and highly efficient energy of the futureАлламуродов Шохрух Хусан угли; Allamurodov Sohruh Husan ugli
2024Issues in redeveloping industrial territories: a case study of St PetersburgАнтипова Ксения Олеговна; Antipova Ksenia Olegovna
2024The analysis and assessment of the consequences of hazardous engineering and geological processes: a case study of the water park construction on Sanatornaya Street, VolgogradСидоренко Евгений Владимирович; Sidorenko Evgenij Vladimirovic
2024The hydrodynamic well studies of carbonate reservoirs in the Orenburg oil and gas condensate fieldМондзонго Лис Жоб; Mondzongo Lis Zob
2024The monitor of humus and biological properties of urban soils in St PetersburgХэ Инцяо; He Incao
2024Spatial differences in the incidence of tuberculosis in St PetersburgМадазимова Малика Хасанбаевна; Madazimova Malika Hasanbaevna
Ресурсы коллекции (Сортировка по Даты сохранения в по убыванию порядке): 21 по 40 из 524