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dc.contributor.authorIvakina, Anastasiia A.-
dc.contributor.authorZenkevich, Ekaterina N.-
dc.identifier.citationIvakina, A.A. and Zenkevich, E.N., 2016. Supply chain cooperation modeling: trends and gaps. Contributions to Game Theory and Management, 9(0), pp.180-216.en_GB
dc.descriptionContributions to game theory and management, vol. X. Collected papers presented on the Tenth International Conference Game Theory and Management / Editors Leon A. Petrosyan, Nikolay A. Zenkevich. – SPb.: Saint Petersburg State University, 2017. – 404 p. The collection contains papers accepted for the Tenth International Conference Game Theory and Management (July 7-9, 2016, St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia).en_GB
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this work is firstly to provide a comprehensive overview of the current trends in supply chain cooperation modeling and secondly to highlight the fruitful research avenues in this field based on a systematic literature review. As a result, it was found that in the previous years the research work on supply chain management has primarily focused on the study of materials and information flows and very little work has been done on the study of upstream and downstream flows of money. It is shown, that the evolution of the research in the field of supply chain cooperation modeling has evolved from centralized cooperative models through decentralized coordination models to collaborative models. Moreover, the unit of modeling has become significantly more complex from unconnected supply chains to multi-echelone systems. From the authors' point of view, the further step ahead is development of models of collaborative supply chain networks, especially in the field of financial supply chain management.en_GB
dc.description.sponsorshipThis work is financially supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research under grant No. 16-01-00805/A.en_GB
dc.publisherSaint Petersburg State Universityen_GB
dc.subjectsupply chain managementen_GB
dc.subjectsupply chain cooperationen_GB
dc.subjectsupply chain modelingen_GB
dc.subjectthematic trenden_GB
dc.subjectmethodological trenden_GB
dc.titleSupply chain cooperation modeling: trends and gapsen_GB
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