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dc.contributor.authorSiidra, Oleg I-
dc.contributor.authorNazarchuk, Evgeny V-
dc.contributor.authorCharkin, Dmitry O-
dc.contributor.authorChukanov, Nikita V-
dc.contributor.authorDepmeier, Wulf-
dc.contributor.authorBocharov, Sergey N-
dc.contributor.authorSharikov, Mikhail I-
dc.description.abstractThe synthesis, structure, and infrared spectroscopy properties of the new organically templated uranyl sulfate Na(phgH⁺)₇[(UO₂)₆(SO₄)10](H₂O)3.5 (1), obtained at room temperature by evaporation from aqueous solution, are reported. Its structure contains unique uranyl sulfate [(UO₂)₆(SO₄)10]8- nanotubules templated by protonated N-phenylglycine (C₆H₅NH₂CH₂COOH)⁺. Their internal diameter is 1.4 nm. Each of the nanotubules is built from uranyl sulfate rings sharing common SO₄ tetrahedra. The template plays an important role in the formation of the complex structure of 1. The aromatic rings are stacked parallel to each other due to the effect of π-π interaction with their side chains extending into the gaps between the nanotubules.en_GB
dc.description.sponsorshipThis work was financially supported by the Russian Science Foundation through the grant 16-17-10085. Technical support by the SPbSU X-ray Diffraction, Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, Microscopy and Microanalysis Resource Centers is gratefully acknowledged.en_GB
dc.subjectnanostructured materialsen_GB
dc.subjectactinide materialsen_GB
dc.subjectorganically templated compoundsen_GB
dc.titleUranyl Sulfate Nanotubules Templated by N-phenylglycineen_GB
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